協會 Association
Our Mission
We believe that Arts and Creativity Education can contribute to personal growth and cultural development of our society. One of the main trends of existing global education reform is to relocate the focus on the weight and diversification of Arts and Creativity Education in student learning experiences. We deem that to increase the exchanges and interactions among arts education professionals and students in different regions can help enhance the sharing of teaching experiences among educators in arts, creativity and other education related areas (ACE Syncretism). It can also optimize the arts competence of students, which in turn can help improve learning effectiveness and performance of creativity as well. We wish to establish an ACE exchange platform across regions and play the role as a bridge in promoting regional interaction in order to serve the needs of education development, and provide more learning and experiencing opportunities for education professionals and students.
- 促進地區性及國際性各藝術、創意、教育相關領域的交流;
- 聯繫各個地區及國際藝術創意文教團體及個人活動的信息;
- 舉辦地區性及國際藝術創意教育相關專業發展及培訓活動;
- 協助各個地區的文教團體及個人進行相關性跨境科研活動。
Our Mission
• To enhance communication in the areas of arts, creativity and education between regional cities and the rest of the world;
• To facilitate exchange of information about group and individual activities in the regional cities and the rest of the world on creative arts education;
• To organise professional development and training programmes relating to creative arts education in the regional cities and the rest of the world;
• To assist educational bodies and individuals in the regional cities and the rest of the world in organizing cross-border research activities.
國際顧問團 “International Consultants”
- 尹少淳教授 Prof. YIN Shaochun
- 北京首都師範大學 (Capital Normal University)
- 郭禎祥教授 Prof. Ann KUO, Chengshiang
- 國立台灣師範大學美術研究所 (Graduate Institute of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University)
- 賀天華教授 Prof. Tom HOR
- 英國南安普頓索倫特大學客座教授 (Southampton Solent University)
- 張俊傑教授 Prof. CHANG Chunchieh
- 加拿大中華文化藝術總會 (Chinese Culture & Arts Association of Canada)
執行委員會 “The Executive Committee”
- 會長 Mr Stephen LAM, Kwaikwong
- 香港中文大學專業進修學院 (CUSCS)
- 副會長 Mr CHENG Mingtai
- 上海教師培中心 (Shanghai Teachers Training Centre)
- Dr LAM Bikhar - 香港教育學院 (Hong Kong Institute of Education)
- Ms CHIANG Kuaiheng - 澳門理工學院 藝術高等學校 (Macau Polytechnic Institute)
- Mr Jackson CHIEN, Chihhsiung - 加拿大中華文化藝術總會 (Chinese Culture & Arts Association of Canada)
- 秘書長 Dr SONG Yanjie
- 香港教育學院 (Hong Kong Institute of Education)
- 科研統籌 Dr Terry SHU Takshing
- 台灣愛彌兒幼教機構 (Emily Infant Education, Taiwan)
- 交流統籌 Prof David DU
- 美國肯德藝術與設計學院 (Kendall College of Art & Design of Ferris State University)
- 發展統籌 張鑫 (ZHANG Xin)
- 中國美術學院 (China Academy of Art)
- 活動統籌
- 王勇全 (湖南第一師範學院), 倪雪 (北京真藝坊美育中心), 陸嘉華 (澳門文化藝術教育中心), 艾夢華 (深圳童創作兒童美術)
地區統籌 “Regional Organizers”
- 深圳地區, 廣州地區
- 廣東外語外貿大學藝術學院
- 湖南地區
- 湖南長沙众森美術學校
- 上海地區
- 上海市師資培訓中心實驗基地
- 西安地區
- 西安繽紛鳥美術學院
- 台北, 台中
- 臺北市新創美藝術教育學會, 大綠地藝術工作室 (Big Green Team)
- 澳門
- 澳門課程研究學會 (Macau Curriculum Research Institute)
- 星馬地區
- 馬來西亞啟頁美術學院 (Pageone Academy, Malaysia)
- 加拿大
- 中華文化藝術總會 (Chinese Culture & Arts Association of Canada)
名譽會員 “Honorary Members”
- 蘇振明教授 Prof. SU Jenming
- 台北市立教育大學 (Taipei Municipal University of Education)
- 蕭慶元教授 Prof. Hsiao Chingyuan
- 國立台南大學 (National University of Tainan)
- 台灣蘇荷兒童美術館 Soho Children Art Museum in Taipei
第一章: 總則
第一條: 本協會定名為「亞太藝術創意教育交流協會」(以下簡稱「本會」)。
英文名稱為 “Asian-Pacific Arts and Creativity Education Exchange Association”
第二條: 本會通訊處為:香港九龍彌敦道 438 號二樓
第三條: 本會宗旨:
- 促進地區性及國際性各藝術、創意、教育相關領域的交流;
- 聯繫各個地區及國際藝術創意文教團體及個人活動的信息;
- 舉辦地區性及國際藝術創意教育相關專業發展及培訓活動;
- 協助各個地區的文教團體及個人進行相關性跨境科研活動。
第四條: 本會董事會下設由發起人組成「執行委員會」,負責執行會務。
第二章: 會員
第五條: 本會會員分為「基本會員」、「團體會員」和「名譽會員」。
第六條: 會員資格規範
- 凡年齡在十八歲或以上,認同本會宗旨及遵守本會活動規定的所有個人,不分種族、國籍、地域及文化背景,均可加入成為本會「基本會員」;
- 凡認同本會宗旨及遵守本會活動規定的各藝術團體、文教機構/企業,可申請加入成為「團體會員」;
- 經「執行委員會」發出邀請入會的個人或文教團體,可成為本會的「名譽會員」。
第七條: 會費
- 「基本會員」須繳納一次性入會費美金30元(或同等幣值貨幣),約折合人民幣200元/港幣240元;年費美金15元(或同等幣值貨幣),每兩年收費一次;
- 「團體會員」須繳納一次性入會費美金300元(或同等幣值貨幣),約折合人民幣2000元/港幣2400元);年費美金150元(或同等幣值貨幣),每兩年收費一次;;
- 「名譽會員」,個人只須繳納一次性入會費美金30元(或同等幣值貨幣),約折合人民幣200元/港幣240元;團體只須繳納一次性入會費美金300元(或同等幣值貨幣),約折合人民幣2000元/港幣2400元;豁免繳納年費。
第三章: 組織及權責
第八條: 本會董事會授權「執行委員會」(以下簡稱「執委會」)負責執行會務。
第九條: 「執委會」由不多於十位「基本會員」組成。
第十條: 「執委會」下設會長一人、副會長一至五人、秘書長一人、活動統籌一至兩人、科研統籌一至兩人。
第十一條: 「執委會」各個職務的分配,由各「執委」自行協商擔任。
第十二條: 「執委會」可邀請文教專家及社會賢達出任本會的「國際顧問」及「名譽會長」。
第十三條: 「執委會」的職權
- 決定會務方針;
- 處理會務;
- 召開會員會議;
- 辦理入會申請及撤銷會籍事務。
第十四條: 所有會員均可出席會員會議、本會所有活動及享用所有會員福利或優惠的權利。
第十五條: 任何會員的操守若有損害本會的權益或聲譽,經「執委會」議決,可撤銷會籍,但已邀會費將不獲退還。
第四章: 會議
第十六條: 「全體會員會議」每兩年舉行一次,會在開會前三個月通知所有會員。
第十七條: 「執委會會議」最少每六個月召開一次,出席「執委」最少三人。
第十八條: 凡「全體會員會議」的提案,必須由「基本會員」總數五人聯名提出方得列入議程。
第十九條: 本會所有會議,必須留有正式記錄,由會長及一位副會長加簽作實。
第五章: 其他
第二十條: 本會會章如有未盡善處,可由「全體會員會議」或「執委會」提出修訂。
Constitution of “Asian-Pacific Arts and Creativity Education Exchange Association”
Section 1: General
Art.1: The Chinese name of the company to which this Constitution applies to is 「亞太藝術創意教育交流協會」;
The English name of the company to which this Constitution applies to is Asian-pacific Association of Arts Education
Exchange Limited. (“The Association”)
Art.2: The mailing address of the Association is:
Rm. 1105, LIPPO Centre, Tower 1, 89 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong
Art.3: The main objectives of the Association are:
1. To enhance communication in the areas of arts, creativity and education between regional cities and the rest
of the world;
2. To facilitate exchange of information about group and individual activities in the regional cities and the rest
of the world on creative arts education;
3. To organise professional development and training programmes relating to creative arts education in the
regional cities and the rest of the world;
4. To assist educational bodies and individuals in the regional cities and the rest of the world in organizing
cross-border research activities.
Art.4: Under the Board of Director, an “Executive Committee” consisted of founders was set up in responsible for
carrying out duties of the Association.
Section 2: Membership
Art.5: There shall be three types of membership in the Association: “normal member”, “group member” and
“honourary member”.
Art.6: Eligibility for membership
1. A person is eligible to become a “normal member” of the Association if:
(i.) He/she is over the age of 18.
(ii.) He/she agrees to the objectives of the Association.
(iii.) He/she agrees to the activity regulations of the Association. Regardless of his/her ethnical, national,
territorial or cultural backgrounds.
2. Any artistic or education organization, institution or company is eligible to apply for a “group membership”
of the Association
(i.) The group agrees to the objectives of the Association.
(ii.) The group agrees to the activity regulations of the Association.
3. A person or organisation is eligible to become a “honourary member” of the Association upon an invitation
issued by the Executive Committee of the Association which is formed by normal members.
Art.7: Membership fees
- All normal members shall be charged a one-off entrance fee USD$30 and annual membership fee USD$15 or equivalent in other currencies (annual membership fee shall be charged once per two years).
- T All group members shall be charged a one-off entrance fee USD$300 and annual membership fee USD$150 or equivalent in other currencies (annual membership fee shall be charged once per two years).
- All Individual Honorary Members shall be charged a one-off entrance fee USD$30 and for the Group Honorary Members USD$300. There shall be no annual fee for the Honorary Members.
Section 3: Structure and Responsibilities
Art.8: The Executive Committee (“The Exco”) was empowered by the Board of Director to carrying out duties of the
Art.9: The Exco shall consist of not more than ten normal members.
Art.10: The Exco shall consist of: the President, the Vice-Presidents (1 – 4 posts), the Secretary, the Activities Officers (1 – 2
posts) and the Research Officers (1 – 2 posts).
Art.11: The assignation of posts shall be upon meetings and consensus of Exco members.
Art.12: The Exco may invite art-education experts or public figures to become the “International Consultants” and
“Honourary President” of the Association.
Art.13: The Exco shall exercise the following powers and duties:
1. Decide the policies of the Association;
2. Handle duties of the Association;
3. Hold meetings of the Association;
4. Process applications and terminations of membership.
Art.14: All members enjoy the rights of attending all Member Conferences and activities held by the Association, as well as
the welfare and concessions provided for the members.
Art.15: The Exco may decide to terminate the membership of any member if that member violates the rights or ruins the
reputation of the Association by conduct, and the paid membership fee will not be refunded.
Section 4: Meetings
Art.16: General Member Meeting shall be held bi-yearly and shall be notified to all members three months prior to the
Art.17: Exco Meetings shall be held at least once every six months, in the presence of at least three Exco members.
Art.18: Any bill to be put onto the agenda of the General Member Meeting shall be jointly proposed by at least five normal
Art.19: All meetings of the Association must produce a formal Minute and it shall contain the signatures of the President
and one of the Vice Presidents for the purpose of confirmation.
Section 5: Others
Art.20: Any imperfection in this Constitution may be amended upon proposals from General Member Meeting or Exco