會員 Membership
會員編號 Member ID | 姓名 Name | 單位 Unit | 電郵 E-mail |
CM 0011 | 劉征 | 勝利石油管理局河口社區管理中心少年宮 | [email protected] |
CM 0012 | 莊曉紅 | 楊之光美術培訓中心佛山分校 | [email protected] |
CM 0013 | 王勇全 | 湖南第一師範學院 | [email protected] |
CM 0014 | 吳量 | 量時代創意美術教育 | 18902662652 |
CM 0015 | 張羽 | 香港教育學院 | [email protected] |
CM 0016 | 陳維克 | 清華大學書法藝術研究生工作室 | [email protected] |
CM 0017 | 吳健偉 | 清華大學美術學院藝術硏究會 | [email protected] |
CM 0018 | 黃淑瑛 | 台灣綠之園親子藝術教育工作室 | [email protected] |
CM 0019 | 倪雪 | 北京真藝坊美育中心 | [email protected] |
CM 0020 | 陸嘉華 | 澳門文化藝術教育中心 | [email protected] |
CM 0021 | 艾夢華 | 深圳「童創作藝術空間」 | [email protected] |
CM 0022 | 王彩萍 | 上海市普陀區教育學院 | [email protected] |
CM 0023 | 杜志青 | 美國肯德藝術與設計學院 | [email protected] |
CM 0024 | 陳學燕 | 深圳.左岸 | [email protected] |
CM 0025 | 沈琴 | 深圳.左岸 | [email protected] |
CM 0026 | 張月 | 浙江橫店影視職業學院 | [email protected] |
CM 0027 | 田慶華 | 山東省鄒平縣第一中學 | [email protected] |
CM 0028 | 曹雲霞 | 浙江橫店影視職業學院 | [email protected] |
CM 0029 | 王娟 | 湖北省黃岡零啟點教育諮詢 | [email protected] |
CM 0030 | 夏小莉 | 湖北襄陽市童心童畫藝術培訓 | [email protected] |
CM 0031 | 彭譯賢 | 深圳深圳樂器城 | [email protected] |
CM 0032 | 張鑫 | 上海東華大學 | [email protected] |
CM 0033 | 韓永鑫 | 西安繽紛鳥少兒美術 | [email protected] |
CM 0034 | 李莎莎 | 西安繽紛鳥少兒美術 | [email protected] |
CM 0035 | 王應傑 | 東莞橙色藝術培訓 | [email protected] |
CM 0036 | 張新歡 | 西安繽紛鳥少兒美術 | [email protected] |
CM 0037 | 謝璇璟 | 西安繽紛鳥少兒美術 | [email protected] |
CM 0038 | 劉建鑫 | 西安繽紛鳥少兒美術 | [email protected] |
CM 0039 | 李家萱 | 悉尼Sydney Early Education Centre (Westmead) | [email protected] |
- 本會在二零一三年正式全面招收認同本會教育理念的會員會員:本會會員分為「基本會員」、「團體會員」和「名譽會員」。
- 凡年齡在十八歲或以上,認同本會宗旨及遵守本會活動規定的所有個人,不分種族、國籍、地域及文化背景,均可加入成為本會「基本會員」;
- 凡認同本會宗旨及遵守本會活動規定的各藝術團體、文教機構/企業,可申請加入成為「團體會員」;
- 經「執行委員會」發出邀請入會的個人或文教團體,可成為本會的「名譽會員」。
- 「基本會員」須繳納一次性入會費美金30元(或同等幣值貨幣);年費美金15元(或同等幣值貨幣),每兩年收費一次;
- 「團體會員」須繳納一次性入會費美金300元(或同等幣值貨幣);年費美金150元(或同等幣值貨幣),每兩年收費一次;;
- 「名譽會員」,個人只須繳納一次性入會費美金30元(或同等幣值貨幣);團體只須繳納一次性入會費美金300元(或同等幣值貨幣);豁免繳納年費。
- 所有會員將獲優先參加本會所有文教活動。
- 「基本會員」個人或「團體會員」所屬機構成員參加本會收費活動,均可獲得九五折優惠。
- 「基本會員」個人在二零一三年六月底前,可免費將三幅個人作品照片,經本會審批後上載本會網頁展示。
- 所有會員可將個人或團體文教信息,經本會審批後上載本會網頁展示。
- 所有會員可免費使用本會各個「教育資源中心」或「發展中心」設備。
- 所有會員可優先參加本會網上互動群組及定期收到本會電子資訊郵件。
香港中國銀行帳號,港幣:012-608-1-018354-3 外幣:012-608-9-208005-5
深圳中國銀行帳號:6013822000657471028 帳戶名稱:林桂光
電話:852 - 94503894 傳真:852–23285393 電郵:[email protected] / [email protected]
Membership application:
There shall be three types of membership in the Association: “normal member”, “group member” and “honourary member”.
Eligibility for membership
1. A person is eligible to become a “normal member” of the Association if:
(i.) He/she is over the age of 18.
(ii.) He/she agrees to the objectives of the Association.
(iii.) He/she agrees to the activity regulations of the Association. Regardless of his/her ethnical, national,territorial or cultural backgrounds.
- Any artistic or education organization, institution or company is eligible to apply for a “group membership”
of the Association
(i.) The group agrees to the objectives of the Association.
(ii.) The group agrees to the activity regulations of the Association.- A person or organisation is eligible to become a “honourary member” of the Association upon an invitation
issued by the Executive Committee of the Association which is formed by normal members.
Membership fees
- All normal members shall be charged a one-off entrance fee USD$30 and annual membership fee USD$15 or equivalent in other currencies (annual membership fee shall be charged once per two years).
- All group members shall be charged a one-off entrance fee USD$300 and annual membership fee USD$150 or equivalent in other currencies (annual membership fee shall be charged once per two years).
- All Individual Honorary Members shall be charged a one-off entrance fee USD$30 and for the Group Honorary Members USD$300. There shall be no annual fee for the Honorary Members.
Benefit of New Members:
- All members have the priority to join our activities.
- The individual of Normal Members and the official members of our Group Members will be obtained 5% discount to join our charged activities.
- All applications of Normal Member before end of June 2013 will has the right to post three photos of arts creation on our web pages after confirmation.
- All members have the right to post arts news on our web pages after confirmation.
- All members could use the facilities of our resources or development centers free of charge.
- All members will receive our e-news and have the priority to join our forum and QQ groups.
After receiving the confirmation of the membership application, please save or remit the membership fee into our bank accounts in Hong Kong or Mainland China.
Bank of China (Hong Kong), Account Name: “Asian-Pacific Arts and Creativity Education Exchange Association”
Account No:012-608-1-018354-3(Hong Kong currency) and:012-608-9-208005-5(Other currencies)
Bank of China (Shenzhen) in Mainland, Account No:6013822000657471028, Account Name:LINGUIGUANG
Tel:852 - 94503894 Fax:852–23285393 email:[email protected] / [email protected]